
My name is Sean Cory [ @seanathancory ] and I'm a Christian-American livestreamer, podcaster, blogger + builder based out of Nashville, Tennessee.

Once was lost, but now am found; once enjoyed a life in the darkness of this world, but now thankfully live in the light of our Lord.

I'm an opinionated, truth-seeking, sacred-cow slaughterer; I'm also pretty chill and fun to be around too..

If there is one thing that this beautiful nation needs in tumultuous times like these it’s a millennial white-male sharing "controversial" opinions on the internet.

You're welcome.

The mission here is to encourage righteousness, advance moral values, and spread optimism to others.. One soul at a time.. I successfully overcame my own brokenness and addictions with the help of God, and I can help you do the same. I'm no longer of this world and am merely in it for now..

Currently fighting in the culture war, for the side pursuing the good, the true, and the beautiful.

Constantly fighting in the spiritual battle, so mess around and find out satan.
